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The Beginning of B+L

Branson and I met in 2013. I was throwing a halloween party and a mutual friend brought him as a tag along. Immediatly i was infatuated with him. His smile, outgoing personality, and humer were so contagous. I havent felt that warm in what felt like forever. Im sure his side of the story is a little different but maybe i can post that later on. That night we met, i forgot i even had company in my apartment. We talked all night, threw bottles and the street light. at the end of the night he took my trash out on the way to his car and invited me to go with him to another party 3 days later. That day came and turns out the party was 1.5 hours away and we were gonna crash as the party house. That saturday night was the best first kiss ive ever had. When i say my knees almost gave out, i mean i had to sit on the back of the car after. The whole, grab your jaw, slowly pull you in with a wrap around grip on your lower back melt your soul first kiss. It was in that moment, this guy i met only 3 days earlier, i couldnt bare the thought of going one more day without him in my life. I was his from that moment on.  That night we slept together. Woah woah woah, not like that. We got all the hoodies and pullovers out the back of his car, put them on me, and cuddled to sleep on the floor of the frat house. Yes i know, romantic. From the 1.5 roadtrip home the next morning, coffee in my hand. I was quite literally, in love with this man. As of November 7th, 2020, 7 years later, I share his last name. 

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